
Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

23 December 2011

Rock Climbing

By Adriana

By Frank

By Adriana

By Adriana

I'm a bit of an existentialist, and as such, I don't believe in making plans or saying you will do something without guarantee that you will actually do it. That's why my bucket list only gets updated once I've tried something new. After all, it's not the things you intended to do that count, it's those that you've actually done that make up who you are. 
I went mountain climbing in Guanajuato, México with some friends this week. 
Climb a rock ... check!

Esta semana fui a escalar con mi hermana y unos amigos. Jamás pensé que algún día me treparía a una roca así; una cosa más añadida a mi lista 'antes de partir'. 
Sigo adolorida. :)


  1. super padre prima invitame a la proxima jeje

  2. muuuy buenas fotos sis :D
    ah y gracias por animarte a treparte porque si no, no lo hubiera hecho yo :p

  3. que chido! se ven sexys haciendo eso primas! ;) besotes!

  4. yo no se usar esto pero le pongo "like" jaja y ya sabes q algo q te admiro es lo buena fotografeishon q eres, abrazos y besos!!

  5. Super padres las fotos!
